Sunday, February 19, 2012

Japanese Fast Food

We have been quite busy ever since we have arrived in Japan. When we arrived in Narita- Tokyo, our host, Miyu’s father picked us up from the airport to bring us to their hotel in Hakuba. On the way we stopped for the Japanese version of fast food for dinner.

  This is our host, Miyu, with some Miso soup!

At this restaurant, you do not order your food from a counter or from a waiter. Actually, a conveyer belt comes around with an array of sushi, juices and desserts for you to choose from. You can also order special sushi or soups from a touch screen at your table!

The sushi was pretty good, for fast food! This is a picture squid and tuna sushi above. The payment system works well. When you finish your meal, you stack your plates. Then you bring them to the register to pay. Different plates are worth different prices. I found this to be a very cool and unique Japanese experience and recommend it to anyone visiting Japan!

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