Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Since our arrival in Japan we have stayed at two hotels in Hakuba. The majority of our stay we have spent in Hotel Goryukan. The hotel is very nice. It blends Japanese and western culture well. We slept on the floor and in beds. Also, it has a shower in each room but also a very nice public bathing area.

The first night we stayed here, we slept on mattresses on the floor. It was quite comfortable. The other nights we slept in beds. The rooms are very nice.

The view from the lobby is incredible. Through windowed walls you look out at Happo ski resort. Straight ahead you will also see the ski jump from the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympic Games! For more information on the hotel you can click here for Japanese or click here for English.

For one night in Hakuba we really experienced some Japanese culture, by sleeping on the floor. When we were showed to our rooms we were strongly instructed to take off our shoes. After walking up some stairs we were greeted by our simple room with just a table in the middle. This was no ordinary table though. It heated up underneath so you could stay warm. When it was time for bed, you pulled out a comforter and pillow from the closet and hit the hay!

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