Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy Happo Festival

On our second night in Japan, we went to a festival at the mountain. Fighting through the jet lag, we all had a lot of fun! To get to the festival, we walked through a village with lots of restaurants and shops. When we arrived at the base of the mountain there were many tents selling various Japanese cuisines.
 The first part of the festival was made up of drum songs related to the region. There was one big drum on the center of the stage (shown above). Also, there were many smaller drums below, where the monkey is standing.

There were also many cute mascots on the stage after the drums. They helped with the raffle that took place. Ms. Snow Girl 2012 was at the festival, because she is from this area. She raffled off ski outfits and other great prizes!

 Once the festival moved away from the stage and onto the snow, a Volkswagen drove down the mountain. This was really cool to watch!

Then a series of ski demonstrators performed. It varied from past Olympians to synchronized skiers to these guys above hitting jumps!

Lastly, we watched an amazing firework show with many fireworks I have never seen before! There was even a Hello Kitty firework!

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