Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mogami Kushi-Katsu

Wow! What a great meal and fun experience! Mogami Kushi-Katsu offers a wide variety of Japanese cuisine. Here’s how it works. When you sit down you have a salad bowl full of various vegetables, a bowl of pickled root and a plate that looks like home base of a baseball field. In the plate were 4 dipping options, soy sauce, sesame sauce, Worcester sauce and special salt. On the end of your table is a list of 36 dishes that will be brought to you throughout the evening.

We gave our group the challenge to make it all the way to 36. Once you are full though, you just say, “I’m good for now.” Each of the 36 dishes is deep-fried in healthy safflower oil and is served on a stick. The beauty of this is that when your server puts your food on home base they point the end of the stick toward whichever sauce or salt you should dip it in. The whole idea is very creative and absolutely delicious. 

So let me give you some numbers now. Per day, about 1 or 2 people ever make it all the way to 36. Okay, so the first two out were our hosts, Miyu and her mother rounding out about 11 courses. The next four out were Kazia, Emily, Dylan and myself completing 20 courses. Abby made it all the way to 27 or so but had reached her limit. 

So you’re probably wondering, who’s still in? Mr. Nakamura, with a grin on his face, saying he was ready to go all the way. Mary Kate and Sarah A, two of our athletes, who were getting full but wanted to prove they could beat each other. Also, with great surprise Sarah Snell, our coach’s wife. And you better believe it, they all made it all the way to 36. The chef couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw three women and one man from our group had all completed 36 courses of pure excellency. And just in case we weren’t all full enough we stopped for some ice cream and cake on our walk back to our hotel!

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