Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Uluru Camel Tours

Earlier this year I wrote about my time at Uluru and the culture of the aborigine I grew to understand. I wrote posts about the dreamtime, song lines, dances, and weaponry. What I did not write about was CAMELS! As soon as Kerry batted her long eye lashes at me and ate bread from my palm I fell in love with camels. Kerry was the baby camel at Uluru Camel Tours when I was there in December. She is beautiful and I though we had become very close when I fed her bread, but as soon as she swallowed she was done batting her eyes at me. Oh well! My love for camels did not die. As the sun still hid behind Uluru my mom and I climbed upon our camel for the morning and rode off with five other camels into the sunrise. As we made it deep into the dessert the sun began to rise and wow, was it a spectacular sunrise. To my left was Kata T’juta and to my right was Uluru. The sky was a gradient of yellow to blue, scattered with puffy clouds. It was breathtaking. The experience I had with Kerry and the sunrise were amazing, but what tied it all together was the comedian who led our tour. Once a horse rancher, he now lives in the middle of the desert rounding up wild camels with the rest of the Uluru Camel Tours staff. For more information on Uluru Camel tours click here for their website. To visit their facebook page with beautiful and amusing photography click here.

Happy Hump Day!

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