Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is one of the largest living structures in the world and is made from the smallest organisms in the entire world. It holds over 350 coral species and is the home for marine life. This marine life includes over 2000 fish species, 4000 mollusk species, 7 marine turtle species, and 215 bird species. I was lucky enough to experience the reef from the sky and the water. It is amazing from both views. My mom and I took a helicopter ride from our resort, Qualia, over the Great Barrier Reef and landed on a platoon which we snorkeled off of. Under the water was a sea of colors. The entire reef looked as if it was covered in the brightest of acrylic paints. We did our dive during the day, but at night time the reef glows. This is by far one of the most amazing things I have experienced and hope I can return again soon!

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