Saturday, June 23, 2012


One of the first sites we visited upon arrival was the island of Burano. When we reached the island, we were greeted with an array of lavishly colorful homes and buildings, parks and canals full of boats.

Burano is a very small island in the Venetian Lagoon. It is known for its colorful homes. In Burano, you will also see the leaning campanile, which is the bell tower at the church of San Martino. You can also visit the Lace Museum, although we did not do this. Lace is one of the things the island is famous for.

My sisters and I had a great time walking through side streets and photographing all the beauty. We also enjoyed strolling through the main street with various shops and eateries. We especially loved getting scoops of gelato to cool us down in the heat.

Compared to the tourist filled streets of Venice, the island of Burano was very lovely and refreshing.

What you should know about getting to Burano is that it will take up a large chunk of your afternoon if you don’t know what you’re doing. We traveled to Burano via Vaporetto (a ferry). Depending on where you start, it could take a few ferry switches. We spent about 4 hours in various ferries to get to and from Burano, as we were very confused to start, but it was well worth it! The ferry that will take you to Burano is Vaporetto #12, so hop on that one when you see it!

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